Monday, December 09, 2002

Sorry that I haven't blogged for the last couple of days. Been a tad lazy along with the last minute shopping that I have to do before I head home for a nice break :-) Another 5 days and I will be eating Idli and Sambhar in Bangalore :-))

I read Suku's post today about the differentiation between people. It reminded me of a dumb American that I met while I was studying in US. Those who read my blog quite often do know that I love playing pool and it was no different when I was in States.

One day while I was playing with this friend of mine a couple of seniors came and asked us if we would like to play doubles with them. We said fine and in the 3 or 4 games that ensued we beat them fair and square. This got on their nerves and they started to make some ludicrous comments about me.

What got me the goat was when one of them said "How could a large country like India allow itself to have been ruled by a puny country like England?". I stopped the play and looked at him. He just snickered.

Me: When is your independence day?
Him: July 4th
Me: Why do you celebrate independence day?
Him: ***silence***
Me: A couple of hundred years ago - even your country was ruled by the same puny England. And keep in mind your country is three times the size of India.
Him: ***silence****
Me: Before you point the dead rat in my soup, make sure you don't have a dead donkey on your plate!


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